Our mission is to empower Black software engineers to help one another grow into industry leaders.
Our mission is to empower Black software engineers to help one another grow into industry leaders.
Affirmity provides expert analysis, consulting, training, and software to optimize affirmative action and diversity and inclusion programs.
We train managers, execs, and teams. Our programs are: lab-based and research-driven, proven to stick over time, hands-on and refreshing, taught live (onsite or virtually) and focused on ‘tipping point’ skills.
NTI@Home is part of the non-profit National Telecommuting Institute. We are an authorized Social Security Administration Employment Network. Our mission is to train and assist people with disabilities and those who care for them to get work-from-home call center jobs.
Pocitjobs.com is a recruitment platform that helps connect people of color with jobs in tech and startups.
Find companies who take a healthy approach to work, looking for motivated people just like you.
Both vacancies and job-seekers should (ethically and legally) be inclusive, but unfortunately there are some that aren’t, and so with the help of this website, recruiters (employers), and those looking for a job, can find the jobs and candidates that are.
Pipeline™ makes gender equity achievable within organizations, driving improved business performance and success metrics.
Techqueria works with both tech companies and employee resource groups (ERGs) to build Latinx-centered spaces that revolve around career advice, technical talks, mentorship, open jobs, networking events, speaking opportunities, and open-source in order to comprehensively affect change in the tech industry.
We aim to create more visibility for writers of color, ease their access to publications, and build a platform that is both easy for editors to use and accurately represents the writers.
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